_There will always be someone who knows more than you, who understands things faster and is better at academics_
_There will always be someone who is wealthier than you, who gets what he wants, earns more, and probably spends more_
_There will always be someone more beautiful/ handsome, who attracts compliments_
_*There will always be someone better than you .. but there can never be someone exactly like you, and that’s the part we don’t notice – because we are too busy trying to be like others*_
▪ You forget that even though God raised some people over you, God has also raised *you* over others in your own way.
▪ *But you don’t see that you have the most beautiful smile, or that you come from a loving home.*
▪ *You don’t see that even though you’re not rich, you’ve managed to get that thing you’ve always wanted*
▪ *You may see yourself as ‘unattractive’, but you’re married to someone who would deny that with a passion*
*You may deem yourself a failure because of a grade, but you’re succeeding in life itself*
_God will gift people with different things, God will raise them but there will always be someone higher in that rank_
_Thus we encircle the world, each of us intertwined above and below others_
*but all of us are imperfect, because above us is the Most Perfect..... God.*